Monday, June 30, 2008

Finding Ways to Celebrate Life

Before baby, I was only dealing with the pressures of running my own business, things that came up in my personal relationships, and life in general. Once baby came on the scene those pressures needed to get relegated to the back burner, as I focused on Zack and his needs. However, the added work that goes into mothering can sometimes be too much....on top of those other concerns.

As a mother can relate, the Role of Mothering can be a thankless job. Oh, those hugs, smiles, your child's laughter and being called mommy in their little voice makes it all worthwhile!! But there are definitely days when I am just worn down.....and am looking for ways to "celebrate life," to give myself a "congratulations" for keeping it all together, and for "finding joy" amongst the work.

One way is to open up a bottle of champagne (there are some great varieties that don't cost a lot) and toast myself to how far I have come (from midnight feedings, lugging a huge diaper bag around, and having to carry Zack everywhere -- to sleeping through the night, carrying a downsized diaper bag to the sitters, and Zack being able to run around on his own). And how each day gets easier on a certain level.

I also celebrate juggling it all, through another day, and not cracking under the pressure.

To all mom's -- have a glass of champagne and congratulate yourselves for a job well done!!

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